Tag Archives: Android

Nexus One offers the cheapest unlimited service on a smartphone

6 Jan


Photo: Billshrink.com

Not only the Unlimited Plan – which includes unlimited Voice, Messaging, and data – but also the average plan is less expensive with T-Mobile than with AT&T.  While AT&T charges $149.99 for unlimited, T-Mobile only charges $99.99.  This equals to savings over 24 months over almost 50%!  So, if price is the deciding factor when purchasing a phone the Nexus One should be your next phone. 

However, we all know that Apple and AT&T have never wanted to compete based on price, but rather on product and service offerings.  The question will know be whether Apple’s superior branding and AT&T’s arguably better service offering can hold off the Nexus One.

On a side note, Sprint’s Palm Pre does offer the cheapest cost of ownership among the four smartphones compared by Billshrink.com above.  But let’s be honest that being sold exclusively by Sprint has taken the otherwise solid Palm Pre out of the running from the beginning.

iPhone and Android now total 75% of U.S. smartphone web traffic

23 Nov

Filed under: Odds and ends, Surveys and Polls, iPhone

iPhone and Android now total 75% of U.S. smartphone web traffic

by Mel Martin (RSS feed) on Nov 23rd 2009 at 2:30PM

It’s a rather stunning number from AdMob in an October report. The firm reports on web requests from thousands of sites world wide. In the latest report, Apple has 55% of the domestic Smartphone traffic share, and Android has 20%. Interestingly, the Blackberry share dropped 2% to a 12 percent share, and Palm’s webOS dropped from a 10% share to 5%.Windows Mobile OS has 4% of the U.S. Smartphone web traffic.

The AdMob statistics do not show handset sales, but rather are calculated by measuring traffic on more than 15,000 web sites and applications.

The Motorola Droid, running only on Verizon, has captured 24% of all Android traffic, even thought it has been out only a few weeks.

The iPhone has been on the market for 28 months. That 55% share of traffic is a pretty robust number for such a relatively new product. The Android numbers, especially those of the Droid are also good news for Google, Motorola and Verizon.

The balance of Smartphone data may change dramatically as the holiday season unwinds, and it will be interesting to watch the ebb and flow of the competing brands.

AdMob was recently purchased by Google. Apple also had reportedly had some interest in the company.

Incredible statistics for both the iPhone and the Android (the Verizon Droid in particular).

Posted via web from Eric’s online marketing blog